Extend the capabilities of your internal team!

NeoShore is a flexible strategy that allows you to have the best talent and increase the capacity and skills of your internal team.Plus, it lets you shrink or expand your team of technology experts according to business needs.

How do we do it?

We first turn to our internal talent pool, which has qualified consultants with experience in the most requested technologies:



Mobile (IOS / Android)






Agile practicioners


In case of a specific requirement of a specialist team, we activate the process:

Selection process:

An IT recruiting team is assigned to each opportunity. From there, we validate the most suitable candidates from a pool of CVs we collect. We will then present a short list of profiles for each role for the desired team.

Client Participation in Recruitment:

The client can choose the best CV's for each role. If the client wants to see more suitable profiles, we will send them a new round of candidates.

Assignment of personnel with the client:

The resource is monitored during the onboarding process until it is presented to the person responsible for the team on behalf of the client. The resource is backed by our team of expert consultants. Now you can manage your new increased team, so that they reach the final goal with the expected results.

NeoAddition seeks to accelerate the implementation, customization and start-up of your company's applications with the highest possible ROI.

Our commercial managers will accompany you during each stage of the service, ensuring that the challenges that arise are addressed and providing solutions to each problem.

You will get a hands-on recruiting team of qualified tech

You will increase the communication, efficiency and capacity of your IT department

Saving time and reducing costs by providing high quality in the project.

You will reduce complexity in the administration of your IT services.


Currently, organizations are transforming digitally, this implies a great demand for technology services. It is quite common for the project authorization process to take longer than expected and this causes that at certain times of the year there is a massive release of the IT budget, causing the requests for these services to the SW development areas to be presented in large quantities and simultaneously. This makes IT managers ask the following questions:

  • Are you suddenly faced with the challenge of attending to a large number of SW development requirements at the same time?
  • Are they all authorized and urgent?
  • Is your developer staff overwhelmed by the volume of requirements?
  • Are you consistently short of qualified talent?
  • Do you experience high turnover in your development team?
  • Is your talent recruitment process not as agile as your SW development execution requires?

If you have answered YES to any of these questions, Contact us! We can support you to solve these challenges. We have qualified and expert personnel in the most current technologies which we can place at your service almost immediately. You will have the ideal personnel in a nearshore/remote scheme to extend your IT project execution capacity, speaking your language, in your same time zone, who understands your methodology and line of business, for as long as you require, whether it be hours or months. You will save resources by avoiding direct hiring as well as recruiting time and you will reduce your operating costs since it will not occupy local work space. You will give your IT area the ability to expand or shrink according to the demand for services in your organization